Creating OpenStreetMap wiki template redirect link

Date: August 01, 2019

OpenStreetMap Wiki is a platform to fill in data about OSM map content, for collaboration, discussion and storing data about map completeness and mapping especialities of different places around the globe. It is based on MediaWiki engine and supports most of its functionality, which means that wiki templates can be used as {{Template:Templatename}}. Simplified form {{Templatename}} is supported in some Wiki’s by default, however, it’s not a case for OpenStreetMap and you have to configure redirect yourself.

To do this, I’ll choose page Pl:Motorway_status, which shows no redirect to Template:Pl:Motorway_status. I’ll insert following text of the page:

#REDIRECT [[Template:Pl:Motorway_status]]

Redirect is completed - if I open the first page, I can see following text.

Redirect completed

You might be wondering if the issue worth discussion. I think yes, because if we look at some templates, Template:FR:Map_status has no redirect while another page, ES:Map_status , has it. And the fact that all shown templates have different language means that such trick might appear no matter what’s the language of page you edit.