Creating comments on Jekyll

Date: January 14, 2018

As a matter of experiment (and to create a possibility for visitors to write feedback more convenient than sending me an e-mail), I started to think about adding comments section on Jekyll website. As for now, there are at least 3 alternatives on the web.

  1. GitHub Comments

    The idea of project is quite good, although I found it not so comfortable for users not to get a possibility to leave comment without logging in and using GitHub as the only option to log in.

    GitHub Comments

  2. Disqus

    That’s one of the most popular comments tool for static pages websites. But Disqus offering ads without an option of turning them off made me thinking about another tool since I plan my website as free and open-source.

    Disqus adverts agreement

  3. Intensedebate

    That’s not so famous tool as Disqus, but a free one. It offers creating a comments section by adding a JS script (so all the data is stored on their website). It also offers commenting as a guest, managing comments from admin panel and notifying about new comments. Their homepage looks like that.

    Intensedebate Home Page

    If you use Intensedebate for static pages website, your choice should be custom implementation.

    Intensedebate Installation

    Here you can see settings, offered by Intensedebate to set up comments moderation.

    Intensedebate settings

    That’s how basic statistics tools look like.

    Intensedebate statistics